Tuesday 2 April 2019

Reusable Plastic Pallets and Their Utility in Effective Supply Chain Management

With several companies coming forward with the different types of plastic pallets, it is for the businesses to identify their nature and choose accordingly. The right choice of the pallets is always going to enhance the supply chain activities.

Practically, the best use of the pallets is in those industries that involve loading, moving, offloading, and storing of the items. Apart from this, some industries use plastic pallets as display items by keeping items to be sold on it. With several associated advantages, plastic pallets have always been the top pick and hence, getting popular with the passage of each day.

From the conventional pallets to the modernised reusable form, the manufacturing companies are putting in all the efforts to ascertain that the industries and the other commercial sectors do not find difficulty in dealing with the products.

The following are some of the areas where reusable plastic pallets are finding their great utility when it comes to serving the supply chain management effectively--
  • Sectors of Import and Export
If seen on a broader prospect, the maximum use of the pallets has been in the industries that are related to the trading. The export and import businesses are one of the greatest beneficiaries. If you as a business owner wants to get your product delivered to the final destination safely, plastic pallets are the best option. These not only make the handling easier and safer but also ensure transportation of large quantity at an instance.
  • Used in Airfreight Shipping
Airfreight, where weight plays a crucial role, the plastic pallets have been the best substitute. Unlike the conventional wooden pallets, the modern ones are lightweight, durable, and tougher than the predecessors. The pallets have enhanced the transportation capacity as these are capable of handling the enormous weight.
  • Used in Pharmaceutical Industries
When it comes to ensuring hygiene, there can be none other options than plastic pallets. The especially designed plastic pallets in Melbourne abide by the strict requirements and ensure the drugs remain uncontaminated even left for a few days. In addition to this, the chemical used to manufacture the plastic pallet are unresponsive to any chemical reaction making it a safe option to handle reactive elements or chemicals.
  • Transportation of Food and Beverage in FMCG
The companies dealing with Fast Moving Consumer Goods make use of the pallets to store, transport, load, offload foodstuffs and beverages. Being easy to clean and sterilise, plastic pallet poses as the safest medium to handle these items. The standardised and custom design pallets come as handy for easy transportation.


Besides the sectors mentioned above, the plastic pallets are of great utility in other areas like retail stores, groceries, and heavy-duty industries. Because of the properties, the plastic pallet has been the popular choice amongst the several industries.

Monday 28 January 2019

Plastic Pallets Guarantee Sustainable Material Handling - How True Is This?

With time, the packaging equipment needs to meet a series of criteria to be regarded as sanitary and useful for a facility’s operational norms and standards. Reusable plastic pallets offer dimensional consistency, repeated performance and impressive durability so that your logistics and food supply operations are carried out cleanly and efficiently.

For this reason, you will find that plastic pallets are a growing attraction amongst manufacturers wanting sustainability in material handling. Some even believe that synthetic pallets are perfect for eco-conscious manufacturers. And, in time, they will supersede wooden pallets to be an omnipresent force in distribution, storage of manufactured products and large-scale transportation across the world.

If you are in the food transfer and logistics business, then you can browse through the wide range of synthetic pallets available through top suppliers in the region

Each of these pallets is built as per Australian standards to last for a fair length of time and keep the food products safe and damage-free. Be it a 2-way entry ventilation top deck or a 4-way entry solid top deck; you will get synthetic pallets of all sizes and dimensions.

Here’s a look at some impressive traits of synthetic pallets for sustainable food handling.

Impressive in Durability, Longevity And More...

 One key aspect which you look for is ensuring is the pallet is able to handle the load it is meant to carry. Plastic pallets meet this criterion very nicely. They are manufactured using a thermoplastic resin and is easy to recycle when the pallet reaches the end of its usefulness.

The benefit of using thermoplastic is they are more durable to any alternative thermosetting resin, can withstand shocks and impacts, and proves more robust than even wood. Plus, they are extremely light-weight, which makes it very convenient to move from location A to B.

Hygiene And Uniformity...

Quality and durable plastic pallets are also hygiene, easy to clean and impervious to bacteria and moisture. This makes them apt for utilitarian purposes not just in the food and drink industry but also for the pharmaceutical sector- where the products are to be deported safe, undamaged and without an inkling of contamination.

Furthermore, modern day manufacturing sites are often dependant on an automated system. And that alone makes plastic pallets appropriate. They speed up the automation (as these pallets don’t change their shape during their lifetime), thus leading to reduced downtime and more efficient manufacturing process.


One of the biggest perks of using plastic pallets is they are environment-friendly. Being manufactured using plastic (that can be recycled) instead of wood does in a way limit the impact on the environment.

If you draw a comparison with the pallet which still occupies 70-80% share of the market, plastic pallets can be reused more number of times than wood. Believe it or not, but plastic pallets manufacturers can be used up to 250 times- way more than any other storage unit.

Though one may argue that the initial cost of plastic pallets can be a tad high in comparison to the wood. But, with time, and more usage, it is a way more eco-friendly option to wood or any storage unit. Furthermore, plastic pallets can totally break down, and can be used to produce new pallets. This reduces wastage to the landfill and lessens the amount of business spending is considerably reduced.

Each of these reasons makes it clear why plastic pallets are making such huge waves in the logistics industry. If you wish to procure sturdy and ready-to-use pallets (along with other items like slip sheets, bulk bins, roll cages or even plastic sheet orfor sale) view the existing catalogue in online suppliers. Every item is presented with transparent and accurate information, and they are also placed at industry-standard rates.

So, don’t waste any more time. View the product range and convey your request to their experts. They will be more than willing to assist you.

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