Monday, 2 April 2018

How Plastic Pallets Are So Good For Food Processing?

You may come across numerous warehousing or distribution heads recommending the use of hygienic, non-porous and easy to sanitise plastic pallet for food processing applications. According to these gentlemen, such pallets are designed to transport food safely and cleanly either within the facility or to another warehouse, upkeeping all sanitary conditions.

Furthermore, grocery and other food manufacturers suggest -

‘It is always lucrative to use plastic pallets for transferring food items. These pallets are easy to manage, pack and are free from possible contaminants resulting from wood or metallic pallets.
Stacking up all edible components for deporting it from point A to point B with zero hassle is best achieved with these pallets.’

Such benefits make it pretty clear as to why these pallets are gaining in popularity. If you are still a little hesitant in utilising such pallets, then here are a few highlights about such pallets.

Read carefully!

Consistency in Size - For starters, you need pallets with consistency in size. These are designed to remain in its precise size, dimension and weight.

This is not something you will find with wooden or timber pallets. Regardless of the claims, wooden pallets will always have some inconsistencies.(even if its leading edge is only a fraction of an inch high)

Weight is More Manageable - A plastic pallet is lesser in weight to that of a wooden one. The average weight of a wooden pallet could reach up to 70 pounds (give or take) with your food items stacked into it.

In comparison to this, plastic pallet weights around 40-45 pounds, much lesser to its wooden counterpart, this makes it easy to manage, load and unload them.

Moreover, it also allows you to save fuel on transportation. To haul heavier loads, trucks require more fuel. But with synthetic pallets, you can save a lot of your fuel.

Meets Industry Standards Perfectly - Regardless of the food, pharmaceutical or warehouse distributor, synthetic pallets are proving to be a better choice.

These pallets -
  • Fulfil all government sanitisation and health regulations.
  • There are no signs of splinters, chips or other small breakages from wooden pallets. These dry off easily (which is good for packed food items), and they don’t absorb moisture.
  • Prevents debris, moulds and rots from happening or entering into your facility
  • Very little chance of damages or contamination happening to your stacked food items.
  • They are amazingly durable and can bear heavy weight for a long length of time.
  • Some designs are also fire impervious and are easily adjustable to your warehousing equipment and hauling machinery.
  • Their racking strength is impressive and is easy to afford.

How to Sort Out Your Supplier?

There are many agencies out there supplying quality and highly-durable plastic pallet models meeting all industry-standard requirements and features. But you need to choose a top-ranked supplier first.
  • Start off with their list of products. The best will not just have synthetic pallets, but also quality steel stillages, roll cages, bulk bins, slip sheets, etc.
  • Check each of their product descriptions to get a clear picture of its weight, size and design.
  • See the reputation of the agency and also whether they have a good customer satisfaction record or not.
  • Lastly, confirm if their pallets (and any other item) are priced at affordable rates or not. This is also one crucial aspect and you shouldn’t ignore it.
Now, as you know all the details, find a trust-worthy agency fast and secure your robust designed plastic pallet units for your food processing. This change will make you proud of your decision.

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