Thursday, 29 November 2018

Surefire Reasons to Use Plastic Pallets for Export-import Shipping

As per Food Safety And Maintenance Act, it is pivotal to maintain standards which food processors and suppliers can adhere to adequately. One such step is the use of plastic pallets during export and import trading. These synthetic pallets are meant to proactively prevent food contamination and the outbreak of food-borne illnesses.

Many manufacturers even state that plastic pallets impact cleanliness and drive change. These reusable and hygienic pallets are manufactured to be properly sanitised, non-porous and easy to move from point A- to B. They are an apt way to support the sanitary conditions giving businessmen a tremendous opportunity to make the difference.

If you are into the export-import scheme of business and are still relying on wooden pallets, then here are some killer reasons to change to plastic pallets.

Impressive Durability: 

Plastic pallets are engineered using a thermoplastic resin which is very easy to recycle. They make the pallets more shock/impact resistant- even more than a wooden pallet. Furthermore, despite the impact resistance, it remains light-weight enough to carry from one spot to another.

More Eco-friendly: 

Using plastic pallets in Sydney is one adequate way to showcase sustainability and limit the environmental impact. A wood pallet can be used a maximum of 10 times- including its repairs. But a plastic pallet can be used 100 times without fail- even more. And even though it may need a higher cost initially, it proves cost-convenient over the stretch of time.

More Hygienic:

Another great reason for using plastic pallets is because of its hygienic element. A plastic pallet is easy to clean, and despite repeated usage, it remains impervious to bacteria and moisture. This prevents the food components from getting contaminated. As popular as wooden pallets may seem, they will always be second best to plastic pallets in the hygienic aspect.

Constant Uniformity:

Lastly, wooden pallets, with time, and excessive use tend to lose their shape. All this could be due to resistance against severe impacts or withstanding shocks. Contrarily, plastic export pallets don’t alter their uniformity during their lifetime.

Each of these reasons makes it clear why you should shift from wooden to plastic pallets for your import-export business. Find a trustworthy supplier online and order clearly for its economic and manufacturing advantages.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Why Are Businesses Making The Shift To Plastic Pallets?

Being an active businessman, the last thing you want is logistic headaches.  The good news though is that for all supply chain logistics, the employment of synthetic pallets is proving very advantageous.

Some time ago, whenever businesses had to supply their products, the first-choice for their pallet pooling was wooden pallets. But in this present age, where even the smallest logistic problem is intolerable, more and more businesses are taking the shift from wooden to synthetic pallets. And safe to say, the reasons for that are overwhelming.

Here’s highlighting a few of them.

·         Impressively Study: Most top manufacturers design their synthetic pallets to last for a fair length of time. While some are constructed using structural high-density polyethylene plastic, some designs are prepared using a superior-mould casting approach.

This specific mode is also known as polypropylene injection moulding. Each of these designs guarantees long-lasting durability- which works wonders in protecting your products. And when your products reach your customers/third-party vendors, then it means more ROI for your business.

·         Lighter and More Hygienic: Unlike their wooden counterparts, synthetic pallets are easier to transport around. Its decreased weight means less consumption of fuel when shipping all your business products/items. Now if you add up such small fuel savings in every load, it considerably improves your businesses’ overall profit margins and total cost of business.

Furthermore, plastic pallets don’t absorb any bacteria, smell, chemicals or any form of contaminants- which otherwise is commonly seen when working with wooden pallets. A plastic pallet also remains impervious to rodents, pests and since no contaminants are found, there is not much hassle in cleaning them up too.

·         Apt for Automation: Most plastic pallet designs comply with industrial accepted specifics- be it in their uniform density and incomparable durability.

This makes them apt for ASRS or Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems- in comparison to wooden pallets. Add to this; there are no slats or nails which come with synthetic pallet designs. All these factors ensure friendly automation.

·         Lastly- They Offer Unrivalled Sustainability: Synthetic pallets cut down the carbon emission- usually associated with wooden pallets. They are easily recyclable into a new pallet for further use. As they present unrivalled sustainability, a plastic pallet edges ahead of its wooden counterpart in this aspect too.

Capping Off:

Each of these points makes it pretty clear why most businesses are making the shift to plastic pallets in Brisbane. If you want to know how to identify an adequate synthetic pallet, here is your ideal checklist.
  • ·         Check its longevity and robustness.
  • ·         Inspect its racking capacity, its overall value and also if it will prove cost-convenient or not.
  • ·         See if they are consistent in its weight and size.
  • ·         Invigilate its cleanliness and hygiene.
  • ·         And if it is resistant to severe fire or not.

One last thing; always trust a reliable supplier for your pallets. Check their market reputation, their customer pleasing record and the quality of pallets in their arsenal.

Simply put- research every iota of information and then make a decision. Remember, the success of your business is on the line.

Monday, 2 April 2018

How Plastic Pallets Are So Good For Food Processing?

You may come across numerous warehousing or distribution heads recommending the use of hygienic, non-porous and easy to sanitise plastic pallet for food processing applications. According to these gentlemen, such pallets are designed to transport food safely and cleanly either within the facility or to another warehouse, upkeeping all sanitary conditions.

Furthermore, grocery and other food manufacturers suggest -

‘It is always lucrative to use plastic pallets for transferring food items. These pallets are easy to manage, pack and are free from possible contaminants resulting from wood or metallic pallets.
Stacking up all edible components for deporting it from point A to point B with zero hassle is best achieved with these pallets.’

Such benefits make it pretty clear as to why these pallets are gaining in popularity. If you are still a little hesitant in utilising such pallets, then here are a few highlights about such pallets.

Read carefully!

Consistency in Size - For starters, you need pallets with consistency in size. These are designed to remain in its precise size, dimension and weight.

This is not something you will find with wooden or timber pallets. Regardless of the claims, wooden pallets will always have some inconsistencies.(even if its leading edge is only a fraction of an inch high)

Weight is More Manageable - A plastic pallet is lesser in weight to that of a wooden one. The average weight of a wooden pallet could reach up to 70 pounds (give or take) with your food items stacked into it.

In comparison to this, plastic pallet weights around 40-45 pounds, much lesser to its wooden counterpart, this makes it easy to manage, load and unload them.

Moreover, it also allows you to save fuel on transportation. To haul heavier loads, trucks require more fuel. But with synthetic pallets, you can save a lot of your fuel.

Meets Industry Standards Perfectly - Regardless of the food, pharmaceutical or warehouse distributor, synthetic pallets are proving to be a better choice.

These pallets -
  • Fulfil all government sanitisation and health regulations.
  • There are no signs of splinters, chips or other small breakages from wooden pallets. These dry off easily (which is good for packed food items), and they don’t absorb moisture.
  • Prevents debris, moulds and rots from happening or entering into your facility
  • Very little chance of damages or contamination happening to your stacked food items.
  • They are amazingly durable and can bear heavy weight for a long length of time.
  • Some designs are also fire impervious and are easily adjustable to your warehousing equipment and hauling machinery.
  • Their racking strength is impressive and is easy to afford.

How to Sort Out Your Supplier?

There are many agencies out there supplying quality and highly-durable plastic pallet models meeting all industry-standard requirements and features. But you need to choose a top-ranked supplier first.
  • Start off with their list of products. The best will not just have synthetic pallets, but also quality steel stillages, roll cages, bulk bins, slip sheets, etc.
  • Check each of their product descriptions to get a clear picture of its weight, size and design.
  • See the reputation of the agency and also whether they have a good customer satisfaction record or not.
  • Lastly, confirm if their pallets (and any other item) are priced at affordable rates or not. This is also one crucial aspect and you shouldn’t ignore it.
Now, as you know all the details, find a trust-worthy agency fast and secure your robust designed plastic pallet units for your food processing. This change will make you proud of your decision.

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